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Who do we Care to Be? The Ethics of Care | Hetty Einzig | Webinar

The Topic

In this Eco-Leadership webinar, Hetty Einzig invites us to explore care, kinship and how an ethics of care – standing for courage, attention, regeneration, equity – could provide a framework for cherishing our fragile world and for valuing and giving purpose to our time here. Hetty invites us to ponder on:

  1. Are we open to care in the workplace?

  2. How have we strayed from the centrality of care to our existence?

  3. Whose voices do we care to hear?

  4. How can care be re-established in the context of neoliberal exceptionalism?

  5. How do we lead through the embodiment of care?

  6. Do our ethics of care include justice and equity towards our eco-systems?

The Agenda

In the first half of the webinar, Hetty will deliver the main seminar.

In the second half, we'll move into a reflection-application session:

- 'Composting': experienced peers work the material in small groups to sprout new ideas;

- 'Weaving': attendees gather to collectively reflect and question, weaving our experiences together;

- Discuss how we will apply learnings to our personal practice in Reflection Application Pairs (RAPs).

The Speaker

Hetty Einzig brings 25 years of psychology and executive coaching experience to global leadership development. A best-selling author, Hetty’s career has spanned the arts, journalism, media, health and policy development in the private, public and voluntary sectors. She designs and delivers leader-coach and global culture change programmes. Key focuses are women’s leadership, Transpersonal Coaching and regenerative approaches for contribution. She works ecosystemically and holistically founded on transpersonal psychology and informed by psychoanalysis and embodiment approaches, bringing her training and practice in psychoanalytic and transpersonal psychology to her work.

If you purchase a ticket but can't make it in real-time, a recording will be shared with you after the webinar.

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