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A Confederacy of Coaching Mavericks | Sustaining criticality in the face of Neofeudal headwinds | Daniel Doherty | Webinar

The Topic

In this Eco-Leadership webinar, Daniel Doherty explores how maturing coaches sustain each other in the face of neofeudal structures and pressures that litter the coaching landscape through observations of the Critical Coaching Group (CCG) - born in 2006 out of disquiet at the way in which corporates as well as public institutions had appropriated person-centred coaching approaches in service of instrumental goals.  Designed to raise critical challenges to the proliferation of coaching practice, the CCG has over the past seventeen years grown into a container for a self described 'confederacy of mavericks'.

This wwebinar will reference a recent survey of CCG members inquiring as to how this CCG network has sustained during a time when entire coaching professional bodies and schools have come and gone - while others persist, and continue to be driven by a convergent growth imperative. As the membership grows older, (and as the working demography they serve ages) then we are in the middle of a piece of action research inquiring into the efficacy of the maturing coach.

The Agenda

In the first half of the webinar, Daniel will deliver the main seminar.

In the second half, we'll move into a reflection-application session:

- 'Composting': experienced peers work the material in small groups to sprout new ideas;

- 'Weaving': attendees gather to collectively reflect and question, weaving our experiences together;

- Discuss how we will apply learnings to our personal practice in Reflection Application Pairs (RAPs).

The Speaker

Dr Daniel Doherty has practiced large systems consulting and coaching work for the past forty years, in both commercial and higher education contexts. Since 2006, he has led the Critical Coaching Group The longevity of this group reflects its willingness to ask questions of the profession others might back away from. More recently, Daniel is a core member of the Association for Coaching Research Group, leading the well-received Signature Programme, 'Crafting your Coaching Story,' encouraging creative writing and narrative practice among coaches. He has authored two satirical novels set in the professional coaching context, ‘Nest of Rakes.’ He currently leads an action-research project inquiring into coaches’ maturity.

If you purchase a ticket but can't make it in real-time, a recording will be shared with you after the webinar.

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